Samantha Ning
Director, Tree Protection | ACT Government
Monday | 8:45am
Canberra’s leading law reform, a shared care approach to protect our urban forest
Mark Hartley
Education Chair | Arborist Network
Monday | 9:30am
Shaping tree transplanting through innovation and technology
Philip Van Der Burg
CEO | Carbonix
Monday | 11:00am
Transforming vegetation management: Monitoring encroachment risks to powerlines
Ali Jasper
Lead Consulting Arborist | Active Tree Services
Monday | 11:30am
Diversity as a resourcing solution – A lived perspective
Sarah Priestley
Tree Management Coordinator | City of Greater Geelong
Monday | 1:30pm
Contract Management & the Challenges
Felix Lipkin
Principal Data Scientist | Player Piano Data Analytics Pty Ltd
Monday | 3:30pm
Panel Discussion | Ethics & Application of AI in the Arb industry
Peter Sasi
Vice President | greehill Asia-Pacific
Monday | 3:30PM
Sean Neale
Business Intelligence Manager | Asplundh Australia
Tuesday | 9:30am | UAAA Stream
Growing with the times
Martin Weaver
City of Perth
Tuesday | 10:15am | ARB Stream
Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) – The City of Perth, Western Australia response and experience….so far!
Matt Palmer
Vegetation Specialist | Ergon Energy Network/Energex
Tuesday | 10:15am | UAAA Stream
Securing a sustainable supply of hardwood power poles for Energy Queensland
David Da Silva
Arboriculture Manager | Victoria Racing Club Limited
Tuesday | 11:30am | ARB Stream
Ehren Wittmer
Powerlink Queensland
Tuesday | 11:30am | UAAA Stream
The Evolution of UVM in Changing Community Expectations
Angus Carnegie
Senior Principal Research Scientist | NSW Department of Primary Industries
Tuesday | 12:00pm | ARB Stream
How can you help protect our urban trees from exotic pests
Joel James
Land and Easement Operational Specialist | Powerlink Queensland
Tuesday | 12:00PM | UAAA Stream
Integrated Vegetation Management: Advancing Sustainability in Queensland Utilities
Graeme McMahon
Safety Consultant & Investigator | Helicopter Tree Removals
Tuesday | 12:30pm | UAAA Stream
The use of Helicopters for Sectional Tree Removals and Long Lining Debris